Rubloff Discusses UMD Energy Storage Center and Energy Science Hot Topics

Rubloff Discusses UMD Energy Storage Center and Energy Science Hot Topics

During the Electrochemical Energy Summit, which took place at the 228th ECS Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, we had a chance to sit down with some of the leading researchers in the field of energy technology.

In this podcast, key speakers from some of the top energy research institutions in the US discuss energy storage, changing the grid, and roadblocks for renewables. From solar critical issues to the growing global energy need, these experts delve into some of the most pressing topics facing the world today.

The podcast is moderated by ECS vice president Krishnan Rajeshwar, with guests David Wesolowski, The Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures and Transport (FIRST) Energy Frontier Research Center; M. Stanley Whittingham, NorthEast Center for Chemical Energy Storage (NECCES); Gary Rubloff, NEES Energy Frontier Research Center; and Paul Fenter, Center for Electrochemical Energy Science (CEES).

December 8, 2015

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